
Braving Storm Deidre

Braving Storm Deidre

My second craft fair was Potfest in the Pens. Quintessentially British to the core. Where else could 100 potters think it was a good idea to line up their treasures...

Braving Storm Deidre

My second craft fair was Potfest in the Pens. Quintessentially British to the core. Where else could 100 potters think it was a good idea to line up their treasures...

Reflections on 1st Craft Fair

Reflections on 1st Craft Fair

1st Creft Fair done - Tick!

Reflections on 1st Craft Fair

1st Creft Fair done - Tick!

Waterperry Gardens - Here I Come!

Waterperry Gardens - Here I Come!

The trepidation of the first craft fair!

Waterperry Gardens - Here I Come!

The trepidation of the first craft fair!

My journey into ceramics.

My journey into ceramics.

With pots, for me, opening the kiln after a glaze firing is usually “managed disappointment”. I can deal with cracks. There is always a reason for them and you can...

My journey into ceramics.

With pots, for me, opening the kiln after a glaze firing is usually “managed disappointment”. I can deal with cracks. There is always a reason for them and you can...